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Re: should GOOPS be built-in?

Lalo Martins <> writes:

> > This C interface is just experimental, though.
> So it should be stabilized before GOOPS comes into core, right?

Nope.  I think it is useful to merge it now.  The C interface is an
interface by which you can create classes, methods and generic
functions from an application.  It won't be used initially by the
Guile core.

> > Gregor Kiczales' "The art of the metaobject protocol" is excellent.
> Where? Is this free? Can it be distributed with GOOPS?

This is a book which you will find at, e.g., Amazon.  Chapter 5, which
contains the spec of the MOP for CLOS, can be downloaded via
Kiczales' homepage at Xerox PARC.

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