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Re: New module system wishlist

[ snip long wishlist ]

Some of Jost's suggestions sound very difficult to achieve but they all sound
good to have. Naturally a wishlist must be pruned before is becomes a TODO.

> * No special configuration language (like ",in" etc.).  You can always
>   press Control-D to terminate the module's repl and return to the
>   config module. (hmm...)

I agree completely here. If you implement magic meta stuff then everything
gets more complicated, the whole project grows, newbies get grumpy, etc.
If you ask to be put into a repl that has no bindings to get out then guile
should do exactly as it is asked -- if there's one thing that pisses me it
is being saved from myself. There's more to it as well, if we want to use
environments as secure sandboxes to execute potentially hairy code then there
must be no way out.

All I want for Christmas is less features...

	- Tel

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