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Re: signal error from my smob_func

Sergey Dolin <> writes:

> ML>what about:
> ML>(let ((session (o:log "whatever")))
> ML>  (cond
> ML>   ((o:error? session)
> I fought about it. It's not looked very nice. My aim - to make
> interface simple, but instead i make new "api" call "error" what Oracle
> had not have before...

uh...  you know that Guile has exception handling, don't you?  'cause
then you could make your `o:log' function throw the session object
instead of returning it:

(catch #t
  (lambda ()
    (let ((session (o:log "ivan" "bat'kovich" "ivanov")))
      ;; if we got here, all is fine
  (lambda (err-object)
     ((o:session? err-object)
      (display (o:error err-object)))
      (throw err-object) ;propagate the error,
                         ;we don't know how to handle it here

Look, would it save you all this bother if I just gave up and went mad now?
                -- Arthur Dent

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