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Re: GC interface (was Re: Scheme hooks <-> C hooks)

OK, I think I can enumerate the points where we disagree (or don't
understand each other):

0) I think that Scheme hook procedures and C hook procedures (well, C
   procedures and Scheme procedures in general) should be equal
   citizens where possible, mainly because I don't see why not.  it
   looks like you have some reason to believe otherwise.  what is it?

1) I think that the only time/place where Scheme procedures are
   unwelcome is garbage collection.  it looks like you envision other
   situations where Scheme procedures are unwelcome.  what kind of

disclaimer: I'm not a very heavy Guile user currently, and, moreover,
I only use it as another Scheme system.  so obviously you (and
Keisuke) may know some things that I don't when it comes to
interfacing with C, so...

forming a position on the above two points should cross the t's and
dot the i's in this discussion, I guess.

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                                                                 -- fortune

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