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Re: Scheme book recommendations

>>>>> "Harvey" == Harvey J Stein <> writes:

    Harvey> Mikael Djurfeldt <> writes:

    >> (Carl R. Witty) writes:
    >> > Before you put this in any guile documentation, please add
    >> warnings > that say that if you run this on a machine connected
    >> to the Internet, > anybody in the world can do anything they
    >> want to your files...
    >> Yes, actually, it might not be such a good idea to publish such
    >> code at all.  We should probably add code to at least verify
    >> that the host is "safe":

    Harvey> So you're only allowing everyone on the machine into your
    Harvey> account instead of everyone on the internet?  Still not so
    Harvey> cool.

Why not an exemple on the client side ?

Here a ftp client, you can call by:

(ftpget host user pass couples)

where couples is a list of pairs, each pair
of the form (file . proc).
file is the remote file to get, and proc is a procedure of 2
arguments buf and n, where buf is a string with the first n characters
originating from the remote file, and you do what you want with them.

Exemple (a #f password argument asks you for one):
(ftpget "my-machine" "myself" #f 
(list (cons "remote-file" (copy-file "local-copy"))))

where copy-file is defined below. 

;;; Cree un fichier avec les repertoires qui y menent s'il n'existent pas
(define (open-output-file2 file)
  (mkdirhier file)
  (open-output-file file))

(define (mkdirhier file)
  (let ((reg (make-regexp "([^/]*)/(.*)")))
    (let loop ((prefix "")
               (str file))
      (let ((res (regexp-exec reg str)))
        (if res
            (let ((pref (substring str
                                   (car (vector-ref res 2))
                                   (cdr (vector-ref res 2)))))
              ;(display res) (newline)
              (let ((dir (string-append prefix pref)))
                (if (file-exists? dir)
                    (if (not (file-is-directory? dir))
                        (error "fichier ordinaire:" dir))
                    (mkdir dir)))
              (loop (string-append prefix pref "/")
                    (substring str
                               (car (vector-ref res 3))
                               (cdr (vector-ref res 3))))))))))

(define (copy-file final-file)
  (let* ((temp (string-append "tempo" (number->string (getpid))))
         (port #f))
    (lambda (buf n)
      (if (not (output-port? port))
          (set! port (open-output-file temp)))
      (if (<= n 0)
            ;;; cree un fichier vide, mais surtout les bons repertoires
            (close-port (open-output-file2 final-file))
            (close-port port)
            (rename-file temp final-file))
          (display (substring buf 0 n) port)))))

(define ron-ron 300)

(define (ftpget host user pass couples)
  (catch #t
         (lambda ()
           (ftpget-internal host user pass couples)
           (set! ron-ron 300))
         (lambda args
           (write args (current-error-port))
           (display ";;; connection impossible, on saute ce ftpget...\n" 
           (sleep ron-ron)
           (set! ron-ron (* 2 ron-ron)))))

(define (ftpget-internal host user pass couples)
  (let* ((host-info (gethost host))
         (typ-conn (hostent:addrtype host-info))
         (so-cmd (socket typ-conn
                         (protoent:proto (getproto "tcp"))))
         (reponse (lambda ()
                    (let loop ((li '())
                               (ch (read-char so-cmd)))
                      (cond ((eof-object? ch)
                             (list->string (reverse li)))
                            ((char=? ch #\newline)
                             (list->string (reverse (cons ch li))))
                             (loop (cons ch li) (read-char so-cmd)))))))
         (buffer (make-string 4000))
         (traite (lambda (x)
                   (let* ((file (car x))
                          (proc (cdr x))
                          (so-data (socket typ-conn 
                                           (protoent:proto (getproto "tcp"))))
                          (litfile (lambda (x)
                                     (let loop ((n (recv! so-data buffer)))
                                       (x buffer n)
                                       (if (> n 0)
                                           (loop (recv! so-data buffer)))))))
                     (send so-cmd "pasv\n")
                     (let* ((reg (make-regexp "([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\)"))
                            (rep (reponse))
                            (split (regexp-exec reg rep))
                            (indice0 (vector-ref split 2))
                            (indice1 (vector-ref split 3))
                            (port0 (string->number (substring rep 
                                                              (car indice0)
                                                              (cdr indice0))))
                            (port1 (string->number (substring rep 
                                                              (car indice1)
                                                              (cdr indice1)))))
                       (display rep)
                       (connect so-data
                                (car (hostent:addr-list host-info))
                                (+ port1 (* 256 port0))))
                     (send so-cmd (string-append "size " file "\n"))
                     (let ((res (reponse)))
                       (display res)
                       (if (string=? "550" (substring res 0 3))
                             (close-port so-data)
                             (error "fichier distant inexistant" file))))
                     (send so-cmd (string-append "retr " file "\n"))
                     (display (reponse))
                     (litfile proc)
                     (display (reponse))
                     (close-port so-data)))))
    (connect so-cmd 
             (car (hostent:addr-list host-info))
             (servent:port (getserv "ftp" "tcp")))
    (display (reponse))
    (send so-cmd (string-append "user " user "\n"))
    (display (reponse))
    (send so-cmd (string-append "pass " 
                                (if pass 
                                      (display "Entrez mot de passe:" 
    (display (reponse))
    (send so-cmd "type i\n")
    (display (reponse))
    (for-each (lambda (x)
                (catch #t
                       (lambda ()
                         (traite x))
                       (lambda args
                         (write args (current-error-port))
                         (display ";;; on saute ce fichier...\n" 
    (send so-cmd "quit\n")
    (display (reponse))    
    (close-port so-cmd)))


B. Urban

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