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Re: comment in managedwin.itb

On 28 Nov 2000, Tom Tromey wrote:

> I see this code in managedwin.itb:
>   # I don't understand this next line and no one commented it, so it's gone.
>   #focus -force [focus -lastfor $top]
>   focus $top

If you are looking for a better way to do that, you
could use this proc. It does the refocus management
with a -force except that it also handles the case
where the focus has not yet been assigned to a
widget in the given toplevel.

proc _refocus { window } {
    set toplevel [winfo toplevel $window]
    set last [focus -lastfor $window]
    if {$toplevel == $last} {
        focus -force $window
    } else {
        focus -force $last

Just call it like so:

_refocus $text

Of course, I am assuming that you want to actually snap
the focus to the given widget with -force here.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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