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RE: Bad installation of powerpc-eabi-gdb - can't find Iwidgets li brary (more info)

On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Dave Wheeler wrote:

> The failure on Windows 9x leads into code that unsuccessfully tries to
> locate the iWidgets.tcl module.  Upon failure it sets an errMsg variable and
> returns.  Back in the callers context, an attempt is made to display the
> error message in a window but in this scope $errMsg is not bound so that
> fails too.  So it looks like one bug on top of another once we get into the
> case where the Iwidgets library is not found.  The resulting error dialog is
> pretty cryptic.

Note utils.tcl:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# PROC: find_iwidgets_library - Find the IWidgets library.
# This is a little bit of bogosity which is necessary so we
# can find the iwidgets libraries if we are not installed:
# The problem is that the iwidgets are really weird.  The init file is 
# in the build tree, but all the library files are in the source tree...
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc find_iwidgets_library {} {
  global errMsg

Ok, this is evil, but it should work. (This is so evil, something tells 
me I should just change this right now.)

> My basic question is how can I make it find iWidgets.tcl properly?  Is there
> some kind of environment var that guides the search?

I'm a little fuzzy with iwidgets, but I would have thought that "package 
require" had something like a seach path. Alas, the package manpage shows 
nothing. Sigh.

Nonetheless, it seems to me that we don't yet fully understand the problem. 
The question is: WHY is "package require" failing on Win98/ME but not NT?? 
Is there something different with the itcl library directories in the 
install trees? Are there drive letters mentioned in the package 
indices? Etc.

(Out of curiosity, are you trying to run this from a networked


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