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Re: Option: open thread window on connection

On Wed, 14 Feb 2001, Fernando Nasser wrote:

> It will have to become something else anyway because gdb_cmd is not going to be there anymore.

Yeah. Right.

> On the other hand, having the user type ManagedWin::open ProcessWin or things of a sort is not very user friendly.  This thread list thing may be (or become) too frequently used to deserve a simple check button.

I think we can just have the user enter things like "OpenWindow 
ProcessWin". We either parse the input (replacing OpenWindow with a call 
to ManagedWin::open) or we make new commands to do it, i.e., proc 
::OpenWindow {win} { ManagedWin::open $win } (I've neglected error 
handling here, but you see what I mean.)

This is something that I've wanted to do for a long, long time, too. :-)

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