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Re: How does attaching to a process work?

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Laurent Duperval wrote:

> Hi,
> I've got a Tcl application running that I want to debug. The application is
> tkrat, which adds an extension and loads it at run time. I want to attach to
> a running tkrat process. So I go to the attach window and I select the
> process. It also looks like I have to specify the wish interpreter that was
> used to start the process. Now, the wish interpreter wasn't compiled with
> debugging on but the tkrat extension was. I'm pretty sure the problem I'm
> encountering is in the tkrat extension so I don't want to recompile wish.
> Anyway, when I attach to the running wish process, gdb interrupts. THen I
> click on the run button and a new wish process is started. Although the
> original tkrat process was halted when I attached, it is no longer affected
> once the run button on insight has been pressed. Any idea why this is
> happening? Am i not doing it right?

Don't press the Run button after attaching to the process. You should
be able to set breakpoints and hit continue after attaching.


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