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Re: Can threaded program be remotely debugged using Insight ?

Current versions of gdbserver are incapable of debugging threaded programs. They do not have enough knowledge of how threads are set up and used. There are projects which are trying to remedy this. An interesting feature in the 5.2 and later versions of gdbserver is the ability to attach to a running process. However make note of the fact that I used the word process and not thread.

Cal Erickson

Keith Seitz wrote:

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Masahide Tomita wrote:

Thank you for the reply.
Anyway, how come mail from you everytime arrive twice?

If you're subscribed to the mailing list, you'd get my reply via that route as well as from me directly.

I locally run gdb (not Insight) on target, to see if this is target oriented
issue, and I get thread created and program going, but I get the message
below now:

Program received signal SIG32, Real-time event 32.
0x4005db75 in sigsuspend( ) from /lib/

Ok, this is definitely a gdb or gdbserver issue, then. This subject seems vaguely familiar: I've seen this discussed recently somewhere. I would recommend sending a gdb session showing the error to, where the gdb experts hang out.


Cal Erickson                 MontaVista Software Inc.
Linux Consultant             1237 E. Arques Ave.
Phone (408) 328-0304         Sunnyvale CA 94085
Fax   (408) 328-9204         web

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