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Re: Port to GTK+ and GNOME

On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 15:27:53 -0500
Fernando Nasser <> wrote:

> Dear Insight developers and friends,
> With the increasing acceptance of GTK+ and GNOME in many *ix systems, 
> Insight may have to follow the pack and become more consistent with the 
> GNOME look-and-feel and somehow migrate to use GTK+ in some form.
> There are currently 3 different possible approaches:
> 1) Use gnocl (loosely modeled after TK)
> 2) Use tcl-gtk (just wraps GTK, or any other GObject based library)
> 3) add a GTK+ port to TK itself

If you are really interested in option #3, you might want to take a look
at Tcl tip 48. The code to implement this tip was accepted into Tk 8.4,
so if you are considering option #3 you might want to take a look at it.


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