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Cygwin Tcl/Tk: Itk configbody error


Since Itcl and Itk lib*.a libraries supplied in binary distribution did not
work in Cygwin, I built *.dll libraries from sources and they work. But
recently I encountered an error trying to run the following program:

package require Itcl
itcl::class A {
    public variable b ""
    public variable c ""
itcl::configbody A::b {}
package require Itk
itcl::configbody A::c {}

The error is:

class "A" not found in context "::"
   while executing
"itcl::configbody A::c {}
  (file "err.tcl" line 8)

It seems that Itk changes something in configbody definition (configbody
for variable b executed correctly).

The problem is serious, because it makes the whole Iwidgets library
unusable. Please help.

Best regards,

Jerzy Witkowski

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