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remote serial target - "not a typewriter" failure message


the latest cygwin versions have the problem, that com1 as a portname is nor more recognized, instead you can use /dev/com1.
That causes trouble if you use the "Target Settings"-menu in insight.
I would suggest the following patch to solve the problem:

diff -Naur original/targetselection.itb fixed/targetselection.itb
--- original/targetselection.itb	2004-01-22 10:03:22.096390400 +0100
+++ fixed/targetselection.itb	2004-01-22 12:45:33.729792000 +0100
 itcl::body TargetSelection::default_port {} {
   global tcl_platform
   switch -regexp $tcl_platform(os) {
-    Windows { set port com1 }
+    Windows { set port /dev/com1 }
     Linux   { set port /dev/ttyS0 }
     SunOS   { set port /dev/ttya }
     AIX     { set port /dev/foo1 }
       # Failed.  Find out why.
       if {[string first "permission denied" $msg] != -1} {
 	# Port is there, but busy right now. That's OK.
-	lappend plist com$i
+	lappend plist /dev/com$i
       } elseif {$i > 4} {
 	# if we've scanned the first 4 ports, then quit when we find no more 
 	set quit 1
     } else {
       # We got it.  Now close it and add to list.
       close $fd
-      lappend plist com$i
+      lappend plist /dev/com$i
   return $plist


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