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Re: Getting started

On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 17:14, Frederic Beaulieu wrote:
> "Select function name to disassemble"

This message is displayed whenever Insight hasn't a clue about where it
should be looking. This commonly occurs for three reasons:

1) No debug info in executable
2) PC is off in la-la land (i.e., it is not pointed at something sane)
3) Can't find a suitable entry point to show when a file is loaded

My guess is that you've hit #2. When you attach to the board, its PC is
probably ill-defined and pointing off into random memory (outside your
program's text section). So Insight doesn't know what to show you, and
it is telling you to select something to view.

This is normal and should "correct" itself after you download (since
downloading resets the PC).


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