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Re: Insight Question wrote:
I started using insight as a possible debugger for a project I'm working
on.  My question is, in the local variable view, is it possible I can set
the default format to "Hexadecimal" rather than "Natural" ??  I did a quick
look in the source and modified it to work on all local variables that come
up in the list but the variables that are hidden (members of
classes/structures) are still set at "Natural" and I have to manually
change each.

Is there a default setting that can be easily changed?

No, there isn't, but it would not be hard to do. Edit Block::_findVariables (where varobj create is called for local variables) to apply a preference defined in prefs.tcl to set the format for the variables when they're created (or perhaps just after?). Something like "$obj format [pref get gdb/variable/default_format].

If you get to it before I do, send me a patch. Takes about 5 min to actually do this. The tough part is exposing this preference somewhere...


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