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Re: Run insight from build directory

On 6/1/07, Denis PILAT <> wrote:
Jie Zhang wrote:
> I downloaded insight 6.6 and do
> ./configure
> make
> then when I tried to run insight from the build directory, it failed;
> build-insight66/gdb$ ./insight
> Error: can't find package Iwidgets
You must install it (make install prefix=<path_to_install_dir>)
Then run the installed insight under path_to_install_dir/bin

The installed insight runs OK, but why we have to install it to get it
run? People usually do

make check
make install

But this sequence does not work for insight 6.6 release. We have to

make install
make clean
make check

People worked really hard to allow insight to be run from the build
directory years ago:

As Jim said, "This really should work."


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