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Problem with latest cygwin tcl package

I am having a problem with a tcl script (shown below) in that it hangs
when executed. Currently, I have the latest cygwin code downloaded. When
I run the tcl script with the latest tcl/tk package (20080420-1) the
script hangs on executing the svn command. This occurs on both a
WindowsXP and Windows2003 system. When I install tcl/tk version
20060202-1, the script executes correctly. Any thoughts on how to
further debug this?

# 8/23/08 - This code does not run under cygwin tcl version 20080420-1.
I had to
# back off to a 2006 version (previous version)

set tagDir "hw_tags";
set baseName "sm_phy";
set projDir "hw2";
set pjtLabel "2_1_1_3";
set svnCommandLine "catch \{exec svn copy -m applying_tag

puts $svnCommandLine;

eval $svnCommandLine;

puts $result;

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