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Re: Can't debug x86_64 C++ programs.

Keith Seitz wrote:
The good news is that it is now my job to make gdb a better c++ debugger, so my knowledge grows every day.
Can I put in an early request (maybe you've heard this one already) to do something about the absurdly long function names.

In viewing disassembly, you get function name + offset as one of the items on the line, but in typical templated code the function name is so long that the actual disassembly is pushed off the right edge of the display.

I can't think of a decent method to make a more concise display of function name (maybe you can). But failing that, I think you need an option to drop it entirely. Or is there such an option already that I just haven't found? I'm not very good at using gdb. function name + offset was never such valuable information that we really needed it and when it is too bulky to use, it should go away.

For Insight's SRC+ASM view, I think putting the source line number on each line in both panels would help a lot (again if that option is already there, I'm not expert). While that is less critical for gdb itself than for a GUI, I think it would be a very useful option in gdb itself (disassemble with the source line number shown on each line of disassembly). Hopefully other GUI's layered on gdb would give the user access to that feature.

If you're not totally turning off optimization, any user looking at a disassembly spends a lot of time figuring out which source line is connected to each asm line. It would make more sense for the debugger to just display the compiler's version of that information.

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