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New Kawa snapshot

I've made a new Kawa snapshot, version 1.6.53, in the usual place:

In addition to various bug-fixes and minor improvements, this has:

The new package gnu.text contains facilities for reading, formatting,
and manipulating text.  Some classes in kawa.lang where moved to there.

Added string-upcase!, string-downcase!, string-capitalize!, string-upcase,
string-downcase, and string-capitalize;  compatible with Slib.

Character constants can now use octal notation (as in Guile).
Writing a character uses octal format when that seems best.

The default parameter of a #!optional or #!key parameter can now be #!null.

A format function, similar to that in Common Lisp (and Slib) has been

Some may ask:  Why a format function written in Java, instead of
using the Slib version?

* The Slib version is not re-entrant, which is a requirement for Kawa.
* My classes inherit from the standard java.text.Format classes.
* A format string can be pre-compiled to a gnu.text.ReportFormat object.
* Proper tabulation and pretty-printing support (not yet implemented)
will require interaction with output-port internals, so some Java
code will be needed.
* It was a learning and design experience for, offering some
amusing distraction from the more difficult Kawa tasks on my list!

Note format is not finished (see tke Kawa manual), but should be
useful as it is.

	--Per Bothner
Cygnus Solutions