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Re: SLIB support

Marco Vezzoli <> writes:

> In my first attempt I used the prelude file that comes with umb-scheme
> without modifications, but I've got some problem trying to load the
> fluid-let syntax.

Kawa already has fluid-let, so you probably *don't* want to load it.
Instead, add it to *features* (as in chez.init).

For the last few weeks, I've been working on a module system for Kawa.
This will probably include support for slib's provide/require, though
the actual semantics will be somewhat different but basically compatible.
More later.

My plan is that slib will get compiled and installed as a Java package.
For example priorque.scm gets compiled into (say) gnu.slib.priorque.
(require <classname>) will load the named class.
require will be expanded at compile-time, and any names exported will
be bound at compile time (unless inlining is turned off).  This
should should speed things up quite a bit.

(require 'name) will probably be equivalent to (require <>),
where PACKAGE is found using a search path, but at *compile* time.

In this model, people mostly wouldn't use kawa.init, since its
functionality would be builtin.  However, working on kawa.init is
still useful, since the hard part of that job is figuring out what
features are builtin, which features don't work, and which extra functions
we need.

I once started working on kawa.init, but I abandoned it.
It's pretty old (Aug 24 1998), but it may be a helpful start.

;"Template.scm" configuration template of *features* for Scheme	-*-scheme-*-
; Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997 Aubrey Jaffer.
;Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it
;for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
;1.  Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
;in full.
;2.  I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;3.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
;each case.

;;; (software-type) should be set to the generic operating system type.
;;; UNIX, VMS, MACOS, AMIGA and MS-DOS are supported.

(define (software-type) 'UNIX)

;;; (scheme-implementation-type) should return the name of the scheme
;;; implementation loading this file.

(define (scheme-implementation-type) 'Kawa)

;;; (scheme-implementation-version) should return a string describing
;;; the version the scheme implementation loading this file.

;;(define (scheme-implementation-version) "?")

;;; (implementation-vicinity) should be defined to be the pathname of
;;; the directory where any auxillary files to your Scheme
;;; implementation reside.

(define (implementation-vicinity) "/home/bothner/Scheme/slib")
;  (case (software-type)
;    ((UNIX)	 "/usr/local/src/scheme/")
;    ((VMS)	"scheme$src:")
;    ((MS-DOS)	"C:\\scheme\\")))

;;; (library-vicinity) should be defined to be the pathname of the
;;; directory where files of Scheme library functions reside.

(define library-vicinity
  (let ((library-path
	  ;; Use this getenv if your implementation supports it.
	  ;(getenv "SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH")
	  ;; Use this path if your scheme does not support GETENV
	  ;; or if SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH is not set.
	  (case (software-type)
	    ((UNIX) "/usr/local/lib/slib/")
	    ((VMS) "lib$scheme:")
	    ((MS-DOS) "C:\\SLIB\\")
	    (else "")))))
    (lambda () library-path)))

;;; (home-vicinity) should return the vicinity of the user's HOME
;;; directory, the directory which typically contains files which
;;; customize a computer environment for a user.

(define (home-vicinity)
   ((primitive-static-method <java.lang.System> "getProperty"
			     <String> (<String>))

;;; *FEATURES* should be set to a list of symbols describing features
;;; of this implementation.  Suggestions for features are:

(define *features*
	source				;can load scheme source files
					;(slib:load-source "filename")
;	compiled			;can load compiled files
					;(slib:load-compiled "filename")
	rev4-report			;conforms to
	rev3-report			;conforms to
	ieee-p1178			;conforms to
;	sicp				;runs code from Structure and
					;Interpretation of Computer
					;Programs by Abelson and Sussman.
	rev4-optional-procedures	;LIST-TAIL, STRING->LIST,
;	rev2-procedures			;SUBSTRING-MOVE-LEFT!,
					;STRING-NULL?, APPEND!, 1+,
					;-1+, <?, <=?, =?, >?, >=?
	multiarg/and-			;/ and - can take more than 2 args.
	multiarg-apply			;APPLY can take more than 2 args.
	delay				;has DELAY and FORCE
	with-file			;has WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE and
	string-port			;has CALL-WITH-INPUT-STRING and
	macro				;has R4RS high level macros
	defmacro			;has Common Lisp DEFMACRO
	eval				;R5RS two-argument eval
;	record				;has user defined data structures
	values				;proposed multiple values
;	dynamic-wind			;proposed dynamic-wind
;	ieee-floating-point		;conforms to
;	full-continuation		;can return multiple times
;	object-hash			;has OBJECT-HASH

;	sort
;	queue				;queues
;	pretty-print
;	object->string
;	trace				;has macros: TRACE and UNTRACE
;	compiler			;has (COMPILER)
;	ed				;(ED) is editor
	system				;posix (system <string>)
;	getenv				;posix (getenv <string>)
;	program-arguments		;returns list of strings (argv)
;	Xwindows			;X support
;	curses				;screen management package
;	termcap				;terminal description package
;	terminfo			;sysV terminal description
;	current-time			;returns time in seconds since 1/1/1970

;;; (OUTPUT-PORT-WIDTH <port>)
(define (output-port-width . arg) 79)

(define (output-port-height . arg) 24)

(define current-error-port
  (let ((port (current-output-port)))
    (lambda () port)))

;;; (TMPNAM) makes a temporary file name.
(define tmpnam (let ((cntr 100))
		 (lambda () (set! cntr (+ 1 cntr))
			 (string-append "slib_" (number->string cntr)))))

;;; (FILE-EXISTS? <string>)
;(define (file-exists? f) #f)

;;; (DELETE-FILE <string>)
;(define (delete-file f) #f)

;;; FORCE-OUTPUT flushes any pending output on optional arg output port
;;; use this definition if your system doesn't have such a procedure.
;(define (force-output . arg) #t)

;;; port versions of CALL-WITH-*PUT-FILE.

;;; CHAR-CODE-LIMIT is one greater than the largest integer which can
;;; be returned by CHAR->INTEGER.
(define char-code-limit 256)

;;; MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM is used in modular.scm
(define most-positive-fixnum #xFFFFFFFF)

;;; Return argument
(define (identity x) x)

;;; SLIB:EVAL is single argument eval using the top-level (user) environment.
(define slib:eval eval)

;;; If your implementation provides R4RS macros:
;(define macro:eval slib:eval)
;(define macro:load load)

(define *defmacros*
  (list (cons 'defmacro
	      (lambda (name parms . body)
		`(set! *defmacros* (cons (cons ',name (lambda ,parms ,@body))
(define (defmacro? m) (and (assq m *defmacros*) #t))

(define (macroexpand-1 e)
  (if (pair? e) (let ((a (car e)))
		  (cond ((symbol? a) (set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
				     (if a (apply (cdr a) (cdr e)) e))
			(else e)))

(define (macroexpand e)
  (if (pair? e) (let ((a (car e)))
		  (cond ((symbol? a)
			 (set! a (assq a *defmacros*))
			 (if a (macroexpand (apply (cdr a) (cdr e))) e))
			(else e)))

;(define gentemp
;  (let ((*gensym-counter* -1))
;    (lambda ()
;      (set! *gensym-counter* (+ *gensym-counter* 1))
;      (string->symbol
;       (string-append "slib:G" (number->string *gensym-counter*))))))

(define base:eval slib:eval)
(define (defmacro:eval x) (base:eval (defmacro:expand* x)))
(define (defmacro:expand* x)
  (require 'defmacroexpand) (apply defmacro:expand* x '()))

(define (slib:eval-load <pathname> evl)
  (if (not (file-exists? <pathname>))
      (set! <pathname> (string-append <pathname> (scheme-file-suffix))))
  (call-with-input-file <pathname>
    (lambda (port)
      (let ((old-load-pathname *load-pathname*))
	(set! *load-pathname* <pathname>)
	(do ((o (read port) (read port)))
	    ((eof-object? o))
	  (evl o))
	(set! *load-pathname* old-load-pathname)))))

(define (defmacro:load <pathname>)
  (slib:eval-load <pathname> defmacro:eval))

(define slib:warn
  (lambda args
    (let ((port (current-error-port)))
      (display "Warn: " port)
      (for-each (lambda (x) (display x port)) args))))

;;; define an error procedure for the library
(define slib:error error)

;;; define these as appropriate for your system.
(define slib:tab (integer->char 9))
(define slib:form-feed (integer->char 12))

;;; Support for older versions of Scheme.  Not enough code for its own file.
(define (last-pair l) (if (pair? (cdr l)) (last-pair (cdr l)) l))
(define t #t)
(define nil #f)

;;; Define these if your implementation's syntax can support it and if
;;; they are not already defined.

;(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))
;(define (-1+ n) (+ n -1))
;(define 1- -1+)

(define in-vicinity string-append)

;;; Define SLIB:EXIT to be the implementation procedure to exit or
;;; return if exitting not supported.
(define slib:exit exit)

;;; Here for backward compatability
(define scheme-file-suffix
  (let ((suffix (case (software-type)
		  ((NOSVE) "_scm")
		  (else ".scm"))))
    (lambda () suffix)))

;;; (SLIB:LOAD-SOURCE "foo") should load "foo.scm" or with whatever
;;; suffix all the module files in SLIB have.  See feature 'SOURCE.

(define (slib:load-source f) (load (string-append f ".scm")))

;;; (SLIB:LOAD-COMPILED "foo") should load the file that was produced
;;; by compiling "foo.scm" if this implementation can compile files.
;;; See feature 'COMPILED.

(define slib:load-compiled load)

;;; At this point SLIB:LOAD must be able to load SLIB files.

(define slib:load slib:load-source)

(slib:load (in-vicinity (library-vicinity) "require"))

	--Per Bothner

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