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kawa 1.6.66 released

I've released a new kawa snapshot, version 1.6.66.
You can get it from the usual places.
The home page
has been updated.

I will be flying off to Japan in the morning.  Back next Tuesday.
While I will have some email access, expect slower replys.

Changes from Kawa 1.6.64 to 1.6.66
Added documentation to the manual for Homogeneous numeric vector datatypes

You can now specify characters using their Unicode value:  #\u05d0 is alef.

Kawa now uses a more mnemonic name mangling Scheme.  For example,
a Scheme function named `<=' would get compiled to method `$Ls$Eq'.

There is now working and useful module support, thought not all
features are implemented.  The basic idea is that a module can be any
class that has a default constructor (or all of whose fields and
methods are static);  the public fields and methods of such a
class are its exported definitions.  Compiling a Scheme file
produces such a module.  Doing:
	(require <classname>)
will create an anonymous instance of <classname> (if needed), and add
all its exported definitions to the current environment.  Note that if
you import a class in a module you are compiling, then an instance of
the module will be created at compile-time, and imported definitions
are not re-imported.
(For now you must compile a module, you cannot just load it.)

The define-private keyword creates a module-local definition.

New syntax to override some properties of the current module:
(module-name <NAME>) overrides the default name for a module.
(module-extends <CLASS>) specifies the super-class.
(module-implements <INTERFACE> ...) specfies the implemented interfaces.

The syntax:
	(require 'keyword)
is syntactic sugar for (require <classname>) where the classname
is find is a "module catalog" (currently hard-wired).
This provides compatibility with Slib.  The Slib "features"
gen-write, pretty-print, pprint-file, and printf are now
available in Kawa;  more will be added, depending on time and demand.
See the package directory gnu/kawa/slib for what is available.
	--Per Bothner

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