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Re: home-directory in .kawarc.scm; kawa.init for SLIB; hash tables

"Nic Ferrier" <> writes:

> BRL has a Hash interface as I recall...

Yes.  It uses the Java 1.1 Hashtable class for now.  When Kawa depends
on newer classes I may change it.

; Generic hash table interface

(define (brl-hash)
  (make <java.util.Hashtable>))

(define (brl-hash? obj)
  (instance? obj <java.util.Dictionary>))

(define (brl-hash-size hh :: <java.util.Dictionary>)
  (make <integer> (invoke hh 'size)))

(define (brl-hash-put! hh :: <java.util.Dictionary> key val)
  (invoke hh 'put key val))

(define (brl-hash-get hh :: <java.util.Dictionary> key)
  (let ((result (invoke hh 'get key)))
    (if (eq? #!null result)
	#f				; as assoc does

(define (brl-hash-remove! hh :: <java.util.Dictionary> key)
  (invoke hh 'remove key))

(define (brl-hash-keys hh :: <java.util.Dictionary>)
  (letrec ((enum (lambda (ee :: <java.util.Enumeration>)
		   (if (invoke ee 'hasMoreElements)
		       (let ((nxt (invoke ee 'nextElement)))
			 (cons nxt (enum ee)))
    (enum (invoke hh 'keys))))

(define (brl-hash-contains-key? hh :: <java.util.Hashtable> key)
  (invoke hh 'containsKey key))

Bruce R. Lewis

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