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Kawa pre-release with Ant build support

I've checked in various changes, the most important if which is the new
Ant-based build system.  From the NEWS file:

You can now build Kawa from source using the Ant build system (from
Apache's Jakarta project), as an alternative to using the traditional
configure+make system.  An advantage of Ant is that it works on
most Java systems, without requiring a Unix shell and commands.
Specifically, this makes it easy to build Kawa under MS-Windows.
Thanks to James White for contributing this support.

The Ant  support still has some glitches - the resulting .jar file
supports neither --emacs nor --xquery, but those problems will
be fixed soon.  I do encourage people to try it.  If you can't do
cvs, you get get a tar.gz file at:

In addition to these Ant glitches there is one regression (only
when using --full-tailcalls) plus a couple other things I want to
take care of (such as the square brackets issue) before I make an
official 1.6.97 release, hopefully in teh next few days.


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