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Compiling kawa with cygwin


I tried to compile Kawa with Cygwin today.  I've been using the pure
Java version on Windows 2000 that is compiled with Ant, but I wanted the
readline support.  The changes needed to make the "./configure; make;
make check; make install" sequence is almost trivial.  But I don't know
where is the best place to make the changes.

Here's my hand made changes to various files:

1. config.sub: (config.guess outputs i686-pc-cygwin).

2. The JDK (1.3.1_01)'s javac has trouble understanding UNIX style
CLASSPATHs.  So everywhere in the Makefile the construct


or something similar is used, the Cygwin utility command cygpath is used
to do the conversion.  Thus the line becomes

  CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --windows
$(JAVAROOT):$(srcdir)/$(JAVAROOT):\`cygpath --path --unix $$CLASSPATH\``

I made five such changes to Make-rules before running configure.

3. For the KAWALIB variable in bin/Makefile, because it is used in C
code, I have to pipe the output of cygpath through sed that turns \ into
\\.  Because of the many levels of processing and escaping, the line

  WITHOUT_GCJ_DEFS = -DJAVA='"java"' -DKAWALIB=\"`cygpath --path
--windows $(datadir)/java/kawa-$(VERSION).jar | sed

4. For some reason, the following command is executed while make is
working in the bin directory

  gcc -g -O2 kawa.c -o kawa

which is wrong.  I have to add $(EXEEXT) to the kawa listed in the
bin_PROGRAMS line to get the correct result.

Everything else works!

Weiqi Gao

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