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Re: how to have as-xml output to e.g. a (Scheme) string/port?


> as-xml conceptually evaluates to a string, [...]
> It is a function, without side-effects.
Ah, I see now. "conceptually" is very important (to me).
It's not really a string. It's multiple-values.

As an old Common Lisper, I got very confused that
(list (values 1 2)) -> (12)   ; all values represented as an object
whereas in Common Lisp -> (1) ; extra values are dropped.

So in Kawa, I can just send a multiple values representing object to write and have it output the multiple values object to an arbitrary port. I don't need call-with-output-string.

And if I really want a string:
(call-with-output-string (lambda (s) (write (make-element 'p "The time is now: " (make-element 'code (make <java.util.Date>))) s)))

#|kawa:33|# (invoke (as-xml (make-element 'p "The time is now: " (make-element 'code (make <java.util.Date>)))) 'get-class)
class gnu.mapping.Values

#|kawa:34|# (let-values ((x (as-xml (make-element 'p "The time is now: " (make-element 'code (make <java.util.Date>)))))) x)
(< p > T h e   t i m e   i s   n o w :   < c o d e > T h u   M a y   1 6   1 5
 : 4 1 : 4 9   C E S T   2 0 0 2 < / c o d e > < / p >)

#|kawa:35|# (invoke (make-string 5 #\a) 'get-class)
class gnu.lists.FString ; that's the string class, as documented.

That has consequences: Common Lisp in kawa can only be a rough approximation. Behaviour of multiple values is radically different.

	Jorg Hohle.
PS: I started editing kawa.texi from 1.68. I suppose it's the root of all the other documents.

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