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generating HTTP (or MIME) headers without being a servlet


I'm still trying to produce stand-alone MIME or HTTP headers, without being run as a servlet.

What Per recently documented helps - partially:
>    In either case, the result of evaluating the top-level expressions
>becomes the HTTP response that the servlet sends back to the browser.
>The result is typically an HTML/XML element code object; Kawa will
>automatically format the result as appropriate for the type.  The
>initial result values may be special "response header values", as
>created by the `response-header' function.  Kawa will use the response
>header values to set various required and optional fields of the HTTP

I tried out a file brltest.brl:
[(begin (require 'http)
 (response-header "foo" "bAr"))
[(define foo 123)]
Hi there [foo]
[(display "hello World!")]

D:\hoehle\Code>java -classpath h:/sspace/archive/kawa-1.6.98.jar kawa.repl -C br
(compiling brltest.brl)

D:\hoehle\Code>java -classpath h:/sspace/archive/kawa-1.6.98.jar;. kawa.repl
#|kawa:1|# (load "brltest")
hello World!
#|kawa:2|# (define a ((make <brltest>)))
hello World!
#|kawa:13|# (require 'xml)
#|kawa:14|# (as-xml a)

Hi there

#|kawa:15|# a

Hi there
 foo: bAr

It's interesting how I once get "foo=..." (attribute syntax), useful for HTML/XML,
and once " foo=...", which is almost right, except that I don't know where that leading space comes from. Something is still missing.

I believe the response-header etc. functions are useful even without a servlet. That's why I'm trying to make use of them.

It's unclear yet whether the response-header results must be "the initial result values", i.e. all come first, or whether response-header can be called anywhere amid body generation (implies complete buffering of output somewhere).

Maybe I should just use BRL for the body, and generate headers by hand altogether?

	Jorg Hohle.

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