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ClassCastExceptions on cond results

Using the following function:

(define (map-change-data value)
  (cond ((instance? value <>) => (invoke (as <> value) 'getChangeId))     
        ((instance? value <>) => (invoke (as <> value) 'getFeatureId))                
        ((instance? value <>) => (invoke (as <> value) 'getRepositoryId))
        ((instance? value <gnu.lists.FString>) => (as <java.lang.String> (invoke value 'toString)))
        ((and (instance? value <java.lang.Boolean>) (equal? value #t)) => (as <integer> 1))
        ((and (instance? value <java.lang.Boolean>) (equal? value #f)) => (as <integer> 0)) 
        (else value)))

Cases which fall through to the else result in the expected result.
However, any other case results in a ClassCastException called for the
class of the result of the cond. For instance:

#|kawa:9|# (map-change-data #t)
Invalid parameter, was: java.lang.Integer
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer
        at atInteractiveLevel.mapChangeData(Unknown Source)


#|kawa:8|# (map-change-data (car (get-features)))
Invalid parameter, was:
        at atInteractiveLevel.mapChangeData(Unknown Source)

where is the return type of getFeatureId().

Any insight as to what's going on would be appreciated. Thanks!

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