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Re: Java classes in Kawa

Chris Bitmead wrote:
I was trying to implement a sort function in kawa.
The following works to sort vectors:

(define-simple-class <comparator> (<java.util.Comparator>)
 (function init-keyword: function:)
 ((compare (o1 :: <java.lang.Object>) (o2 :: <java.lang.Object>)) :: <int>
  ((slot-ref (this) 'function) o1 o2)))

(define (sort function list)
 (let ((comparator (make <comparator> function: function)))
   (invoke-static <java.util.Collections> 'sort list comparator)

(define (comp x1 x2) (cond ((< x1 x2) -1) ((> x1 x2) 1) (else 0)))

(define lu (vector 12 8 7 44 -1 -7 9 8))

(define ls (sort comp lu))

Sorting lists doesn't yet work, because some methods are not
implemented.  I'm looking at that now.
	--Per Bothner

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