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Problem with "--output-format scheme" option


I'm doing servelt programming with kawa and have a problem concerning
the "--output-format scheme" compile-option. I'm using kawa-1.6.99.

I have two files.
The first one is a lib:

--begin lib.scm--
(module-name "lib")
(define dummy-tag-from-lib "<h1>dummy tag from lib</h1>")
--end lib.scm--

The second one is a servlet, using this lib:

--begin testservlet.krl--
[(require <lib>)]
[(define dummy-tag-intern ] <h1>dummy tag intern</h1> [)]
--end testservlet.krl--

The compilation is done as follows:

java kawa.repl --output-format scheme -C lib.scm
java kawa.repl --servlet --krl --output-format scheme -C testservlet.krl

When the servelt is invoked it produces the following output

--begin output--
 <h1>dummy tag intern</h1> 
&lt;h1&gt;dummy tag from lib&lt;/h1&gt;
--end output--

As you can see, the tag defined in lib.scm produces a escaped output.
How can I avoid this?

thank you, Jan

Jan Hermanns
.        .      .      .     .    .   .  . . ...

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