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Kawa function micro benchmarks

I did some simple benchmarks to see how fast Kawa was at calling
functions.  No conclusions, just wanted to share the numbers.

There are three tests of interest:

1. Calling a function defined within the local module.
2. Calling a simple lambda function defined within the local module.
3. Calling a function defined within a remote module.  The remote
   function was imported using the require form.

Calling these functions 5,000,000,000 times gives:

local            total:   0.83 secs   per call:   0.17 ns
lambda           total:  24.37 secs   per call:   4.87 ns
remote           total:  24.45 secs   per call:   4.89 ns

That is, calling the locally defined function N times took 0.83 seconds.
Each individual call therefore took 0.17 nanoseconds.

As you may know, Kawa compiles local calls down to invoking a static
method - very fast.  Both the lambda and remote test go through a more
sophisticated interface that call Java "virtual" methods - in this test
about 30 times slower.

All tests were run on a lightly loaded Debian Linux box using Sun Java
1.4.1_01 with the server JIT turned on and the CVS version of Kawa as of
this date.  This box is a PC with dual Xeon 2.40GHz CPUs (a Dell
PowerEdge 2650).

The code I used is below, but it won't compile without some internal
libraries.  Send me an email if you'd like a copy of these libraries.

Chris Dean

(module-name <FuncCallTime>)

(require <com.merced.util.scheme.Compat>)
(require <com.merced.util.scheme.TimeDate>)

(require <Remote>)

(define *N* (* 5 1000 1000 1000))

(define (call-with-time fn)
    (let ((start (current-time)))
      (time-difference (current-time) start)))))

(define (local)

(define (test-local)
  (dotimes (i *N*)

(define (test-lambda)
  (test-lambda-aux (lambda () 'ok)))

(define (test-lambda-aux fn)
  (dotimes (i *N*)

(define (test-remote)
  (dotimes (i *N*)

(define-namespace proc "class:gnu.mapping.Procedure")
(define (test-newstyle-remote)
  (let ((mf (make <ModuleFunction>)))
    (dotimes (i *N*)
      (proc:apply0 mf))))

(define-namespace module-function "class:ModuleFunction")
(define (test-newstyle-remote-static)
  (let ((mf (make <ModuleFunction>)))
    (dotimes (i *N*)

(define (dump tag val)
  (format #t "~16S total: ~6,2F secs   per call: ~6,2F ns~%" tag val 
          (* 1000 1000 1000 (/ val *N*))))

(dump 'local      (call-with-time test-local))
(dump 'lambda     (call-with-time test-lambda))
(dump 'remote     (call-with-time test-remote))
(dump 'new-remote (call-with-time test-newstyle-remote))
(dump 'new-static (call-with-time test-newstyle-remote-static))

;; local            total:   0.83 secs   per call:   0.17 ns
;; lambda           total:  24.37 secs   per call:   4.87 ns
;; remote           total:  24.45 secs   per call:   4.89 ns
;; new-remote       total:  20.47 secs   per call:   4.09 ns
;; new-static       total:   0.83 secs   per call:   0.17 ns

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