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Re: Problem with 'require' in servlet

Dominique Boucher wrote:

(define ^combinatory
  (lambda (something)
    (lambda (stream)

If ^combinatory is a constant, Kawa generates slightly better code for:

(define (^combinatory something)
  (lambda (stream) ...))

How do I get this file loaded automatically? I tried with the 'require'
special form, but that doesn't work. Tomcat complains with a
'ClassNotFoundException', saying that it cannot find the 'parsers' class
(which is in the same directory/package as the servlet itself). I cannot
use the 'define-namespace' form, since my combinators are not methods.

It should work if it's in the same package and "classes" directory as the servlet, though I haven't tried that myself.

Alternatively, you can create a jar file, and place it next to the
kawa .jar.
	--Per Bothner

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