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Re: Scheme Debugging in Eclipse...

Dominique Boucher wrote:
The only limitation, which is inherent to the JDI interface in Eclipse, is
that a breakpoint must be associated with a Java type (the declaring type in
JDI parlance). Since the type is not always deducible from the Scheme source
code (one may pass the package name using the -P argument on the Kawa
command-line, as well as a -T argument to name the resulting class, etc.),
breakpoints may not always be activated in the target JVM.

Eclipse can map from a .class file to a source file, so if there is a practical way to search through the classes for a matching SourceFile attribute, that would work. However, such a search might be impractical (too expensive) unless Eclipse already (for other reasons) maintains a tables of classes. This could mean *all* classes in the classpath, which may not be feasilble.

Maybe we should define some "best practices" - which would probably not
include the -T flag.

A related issue is whether Kawa should have multually dependent modules.
I'd like to be able to do that, but that may requires some naming descipline,
so Kawa can map required module names to sources files.
	--Per Bothner

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