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Re: "Image-based development" with Kawa

Oliver Flasch wrote:
I am currently building "Katakana", a "rapid application development"
environment for statistical analysis and computational intelligence on
top of Kawa 1.8 (stable).

Kawa 1.8 is "very old" rather than "stable", I'm afraid. (I'll put a 1.8.90 beta out very soon, I hope.)

While my results are really encouraging so far, I would like to support
a more dynamic, "image-based" or "Smalltalk-like" development style that
does not rely on an "edit-compile-run-cycle".

The latest (SVN) Kawa does support some improvements. Particularly, you can: (require "file-name") and it automatically compile sit, as a module, and recompiles if it has changed. It updates the global environment. (However, there is no support for updating existing values -such as if an existing value references an updated function - but that could be added.) The goal is to make compilation more automatic.

I'm using XStream
( to serialize objects in the scheme environment
and later de-serialize them, which works beautifully except for class

(define-simple-class <my-class> [...])
(serialize-to-file <my-class> "MyClass.img")

The <my-class> class is not stand-alone. It depends on the module it is defined in. For example, literals get compiled into the module, and shared between class and functions in that module.

My plan is to use (*:write-to-stream <my-class> [...]) to create the
byte-code for <my-class> so I can bundle it with my ".img" file and
point the class loader to it when <my-class> is de-serialized again.

Make sure <my-class> "references" the enclosing module, so it gets serialized. You can probably do that by serializing its ClassLoader, which is an ArrayClassLoader (see below).

problem is that I do not understand the mechanics of the Kawa compiler
yet, specifically when and why a class defined via "define-simple-class"
or "define-class" gets compiled to bytecode. I found out that a class so
defined seems to be compiled on first use,

No. It is *loaded* on first use. However, the entire module is loaded eagerly, at once.

If the module is is read/loaded/required from a source file (rather
than being pre-compiled with the kawa -C flag), then the module will
be managed by an ArrayClassLoader.
	--Per Bothner

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