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Re: Source for Kawa 1.9.1

Tony anon wrote:
Hi all.

Can anyone direct me to where the source code is for Kawa 1.9.1?

The link under Getting Kawa seems to be broken.

Which link? The ftp site, mirror list,. and kawa-1.9.1.tar.gz links seem to work.

What is broken is the, because I never bothered
to create and upload the file.  However, kawa-1.9.1.tar.gz should
be exactly the same content as

Is there any reason you can't use kawa-1.9.1.tar.gz?  I don't really
know how well tar.gz (aka .tgz) format is supported on Windows.
Is there a nice Free Windows application that handles tar.gz well?
Actually, I don't even know about .zip files - are they supported
natively, or does one have to download an application?

I do realize that anyone who has JDK has jar, which can uncompress
.zip files.  So I could ship just a zip file.  However, .zip
files are somewhat bulkier than tar,gz files.

So depending on the answer to this question I need to do one of:
(1) Remove the reference to on the web page,
perhaps adding a link to a file extraction program, or
(2) create and upload

	--Per Bothner

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