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Re: consecutive 'let

On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 17:55 -0500, Jake Miles wrote:
> I've never understood why
> dynamic-wind includes a 'before' function - maybe someone can
> enlighten me.

(define-syntax special-let
  (lambda (stx)
    (syntax-case stx ()
      ((special-let ((?var ?val) ...) ?body ...)
       (let-syntax ((?old ...) (generate-temporaries (syntax (?var ...))))
	 (syntax (let ((?old ?var) ...)
		   (set! ?var ?val) ...
		   (dynamic-wind values	;ignore
		     (lambda () ?body ...)
		     (lambda () (set! ?var ?old) ...)))))))))

(let ((reenter-special-let #f) (myvar 42))
  (display myvar)
  (special-let ((myvar 21))
    (call/cc (cut set! reenter-special-let <>)))
  (display myvar)
  (set! myvar "never displayed")

Anyone would expect "never displayed" to be displayed forever after 42
is displayed twice.  Instead 42 is displayed forever.

`special-let' can only be implemented correctly with the "before" thunk.
This is a specific example of the general problem of controlling dynamic
wind in the face of multiply-restartable continuations.

Returning to the thread's topic, for a full `time-process'
implementation that counts all execution in the dynamic context of
`process', the thunks must be altered to handle restarting.  This
doesn't matter for Kawa, but should be noted if you might want to port
this code later.

The foremost obstacle standing in the way of the public's acceptance of
evolutionary theory is not a dearth of common sense. Instead, it is the
public's erroneous belief that common sense is a dependable guide to
evaluating the natural world.  --Scott O. Lilienfeld, SkI 5/2006

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