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Re: Kawa build warnings

Yaroslav Kavenchuk wrote:
Per Bothner wrote:
The following two should probably be fixed first.

C:\JVM\kawa\gnu\commonlisp\lisp\PrimOps.scm:121:20: warning - no known slot 'boolean>' in java.lang.Object
C:\JVM\kawa\gnu\commonlisp\lisp\PrimOps.scm:141:21: warning - no known slot 'boolean>' in java.lang.Object


(define (arrayp x) :: <clisp:boolean>

(define (stringp x) <clisp:boolean>

May be need insert :: before type?

No - the problem is the the ':' character sprints the type-name into two tokens - i.e. it's a reader problem.

The easiest fix is to "quote" the colon:

(define (arrayp x) |clisp:boolean|
  (instance? x <gnu.lists.SimpleVector>))

I checked that in.

That still causes a problem if you call arrayp
directly from the REPL:

$ bin/kawa --commonlisp
#|kawa:1|# (arrayp 4)

However, that's a separate problem with printing.
It works as long as you just don't print the boolean
result directly.

#|kawa:2|# (define x (arrayp 4))
#|kawa:3|# x

I added the printing problem to my to-do list.
	--Per Bothner

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