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Re: Using <java.lang.Class>:forName with define-simple-class

Sorry, when I said "implement" below, I meant "extend"... is a class, not an interface.

On 5/7/10 4:31 PM, "alex mitchell" <> wrote:

> I'm trying to get a kawa-based application to be aware of MacOS application
> events such as Apple-Q, and would like to avoid having to change my source
> code when compiling on other platforms. I've got this working except for one
> problem. When I define a class implementing ApplicationAdapter as follows:
> (define-simple-class <my-application-adapter>
> (<>)
> ...)
> everything works fine on a Mac, but I'm assuming I won't be able to compile
> this on non-Mac platforms, since won't be
> there. Instead, I've tried this:
> (define-simple-class <my-application-adapter> ((<java.lang.Class>:forName
> ""))
> ...)
> However, I get an "invalid super type" compile-time error.
> I would like to be able to implement at
> runtime. For now I'm commenting out the line where the file containing this
> code is required when I compile, but this is not ideal.
> Anyone have any suggestions as to how to do this?
> thanks,
> Alex

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