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Kawa on Android - unable to use 'for-each' form

Hello Kawaites,

Sorry to be a pest, but I've run into another issue while trying to
write Android applications in Kawa Scheme: I can't use the 'for-each'
form in my code.  A sample activity for testing this:

(require 'android-defs)
  (let ((tv (android.widget.TextView (this))))
    (tv:setText "Hello, Android from Kawa Scheme!\n")
    (for-each (lambda (x)
		(tv:append "hi\n"))
	      '(1 2 3))

I tried this with two versions of Kawa 1.11 from source: 1.11 from ftp
(, and the latest from
SVN (rev. 6926).  I'm on Windows, so both were compiled via "ant

With the SVN source, the code does not compile; "ant debug" gets stuck
at the scompile stage.

With the ftp source, the code compiles, but the application crashes
with the "stopped unexpectedly" message.  Please see the attached
error.log for the logcat output.

My environment:
Windows XP (SP3)
Sun JDK 1.6.0_24
Ant 1.8.2
Android SDK Tools, revision 10
Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 3
SDK Platform Android 2.3.3, API 10, revision 1

Attachment: error.log
Description: Binary data

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