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Re: Confusing error message

On 04/15/2011 09:57 AM, Charles Turner wrote:
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On 15/04/11 03:28, Per Bothner wrote:
Kawa has a mechanism for this: It has the method
Language#formatType, which takes a type and returns a
language-appropriate name.

This doesn't seem right from my rather brief investigation, the formatType method calls Type#getName which returns a fully qualified name, what we don't want.

It can be overridden on a per-language basis - see Scheme.formatType.

I've also found some holes in argument checking, which I'll put on my
todo list, such as,

#|kawa:2|# (map '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3))

I'd prefer Kawa to say something like "expected a procedure but was
given a list", embellished to taste, of course.


It may have to dynamically look for the "current Language"
or it could use the "language used to compile the current class".

Don't understand this at the moment, need to look into how this all works a little further.

Language#formatName is an instance method (not static), so it needs an appropriate Language instance. But what is the appropriate Language if a situation where people might be mixing languages? Is the current language a dynamic property, or does it depend on the language calling cdr? The latter might be more correct, but for now I'd just use Language.getDefaultLanguage.

'cdr' called with argument #1 (value: (), type: empty-list) but expected
'pair' (The "expected 'pair'" is a bit trickier with generic or overloaded

I like that, I probably don't fully appreciate the implications of the parenthesised comment.

When you have overloaded methods, or a GenericProc (which is generic in the
Lisp sense, not the Java sense) you don't necessarily have an "expected type",
--Per Bothner

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