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Re: question about using the built-in web server

On 05/09/2012 08:35 PM, alex mitchell wrote:
So, what I'm thinking of doing is using the built-in web server in Kawa to
serve up the Javascript story file locally, and then have debugging
functions within the Javascript code pass state information back to the
server, and from there display the state info in the editor UI. What I'm
not sure about is a) whether it is possible to simultaneously run the web
server and have an interactive UI, and b) whether the web server and the
UI code can communicate.

So far, I've tried a simple experiment by doing:
     kawa --http-auto-handler / . --http-start 8888 mycode.scm
where mycode.scm is
     (display "hi\n")
and although the web server starts, and is accessible at port 8888,
mycode.scm is never executed. This suggests that a) may not be possible.

This is because the "--http-start" sets the _something_done flag, which supresses trying loading mycode.scm.

You could try:
kawa --http-auto-handler / . -e '(gnu.kawa.servlet.KawaHttpHandler:startServer 8888)' mycode.scm

However, I'm guessing this may have threading issues. You probably want to run
the server in a separate thread. Perhaps making use of HttpServer#setExecutor
is needed, in which case we would need to make that calling from

I suppose one approach might be to start the web server as a separate
process, and then have the editor and the web server communicate through
sockets, but that seems a bit troublesome.

Using a separate thread is probably enough - but you still have to make sure the communication is thread-safe and non-blocking. -- --Per Bothner

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