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Re: Kawa build.xml patch for Android - SUCCESS

On Tue, 03 Jul 2012 20:52:20 +0200, Marius Kjeldahl <> wrote:
> Once I figure more of it out I hope to do a writeup, and best case 
> contribute some tools back to simplify development.

One thing I've been thinking about is running a swank process on the
phone, then connecting to it from my local Emacs/Slime via some adb
port-forwarding magic.. that would make development *really* interesting

No idea how to implement any of this though :-/

That's for another day to find out :)

On a related note, is there any technical reason why a byte-code
compiler wouldn't work on Android (provided it emitted dalvik vm code
instead of "normal" java bytecode)? Is the specification for the dalvik
bytecode available?



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