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Re: Package initialisation in CL boot

On 12 July 2012 20:14, Charles Turner <> wrote:
> So you'd check if the symbol is of the CLASS namespace, and then pull
> the local name out of it and do a type lookup? Rather than my current
> approach of backtracking from an error condition and trying something
> new. I like this idea.

It seems to work nicely. I have case folding working as it should (OK,
there may be bugs). We have two options for syntax when specifiying
class names, either class::|name| or <name>. Some sample behavior:

#|kawa:1|# java.lang.String
<unknown>: warning - no declaration seen for {COMMON-LISP-USER}:JAVA.LANG.STRING
#|kawa:2|# class::|java.lang.String|
class java.lang.String
#|kawa:3|# <java.lang.String>
class java.lang.String
#|kawa:4|# 'kawa

I found that the simplest way to have the input folded correctly is to
place this in CommonLisp:

  public LispReader getLexer(InPort inp, SourceMessages messages)
    LispReader r = new LispReader(inp, messages);
    r.setReadCase('U'); // this is new, set the read case to UP
    return r;

I'll try and reorganise the primitive code now (finally!), and fix the
output format for CL.

Kind regards,

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