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Successfully mixed java and kawa-scheme in a "full" Android app

If you've been following my last posts with Per helping me out, you probably know by now that I've been trying to get Kawa to build and run together with the latest releases from Google, specifically get it to build with a "gradle"-based project which is the latest flavour from Google (it's what Android Studio uses for build and project configuration).

Anyway, I can successfully report that I've successfully managed to integrate kawa with a java app I have in the Google Play store ("Killermatch" for the curios). I specifically wanted to see if I could get it working with a "full" app to avoid any issues popping up when trying to integrate kawa with a "full" Android app.

Sure enough, there are some issues. One is integrating kawa builds with the android gradle plugin. I've made some progress, but it isn't smooth yet. I've attacked the gradle build issues from a couple of angles, and I'm not yet satisified, but suffice to say, adding gradle tasks like:

task kawaReleaseInt(type: Exec) {
  environment['CLASSPATH'] = "/opt/android-studio/sdk/platforms/android-15/android.jar:build/classes/release/net/kjeldahl/tournman"
  commandLine 'kawa', '-d', 'build/kawaclasses/release', '-P', 'net.kjeldahl.tournman.', '--warn-undefined-variable', '--warn-invoke-unknown-method', '--warn-as-error', '-C', 'src/main/kawa/MyKawaActivity.scm', 'src/main/kawa/Something.scm'

task kawaRelease(type: Exec, dependsOn: ["kawaReleaseInt"]) {
  commandLine "jar", "cf", "build/scmfiles.jar", "-C", "build/kawaclasses/release", "."

These at least make it easier to use kawa with an app using the android plugin. Essentially you'll do a "./gradlew kawaRelease assembleRelease" (and similar for debug). While most people seem to love gradle, I'm not convinced yet. While it's probably great for writing a build process from scratch, you'll be writing thousand lines of java/groovy code to make it build, it certainly does not seem very great as far as modifying existing build processes. There are easy improvements to even my simple gradle tasks above (like automatically finding the source files), which I haven't gotten around to doing yet.

Regarding adding kawa support for gradle; My first strategy was to "modify" the JavaPlugin task to basically call the kawa compiler instead of the java compiler for all *.scm files. While that sounds easy, it's not. First of all, the java "plugin" basically has code and abstractions in lots of different source locations in Gradle, so it's not like it's easy to figure out what you need.

I found another plugin named "Clojuresque" which is a ClojurePlugin for building Clojure projects. At least that one has all it's files in one place, but it's still a thousand lines of relatively low level code just to build (despite inheriting from JavaPlugin...). I ended up using the clojure based one and wrote a similar KawaPlugin. When it finally started working, imagine how fun it was when I tried to combine my KawaPlugin with the Android plugin from when the Android plugin spit out a message saying it's not compatible with the JavaPlugin.

After that I basically gave up (correction, I looked at the Android plugin source and puked) and settled for simple "make-like" rules in gradle, like the ones I showed higher up.

When I started adding kawa into my android project, some lessons had to be learned which I'm sharing here in case my conclusions seem off (feel free to suggest how to fix them).

* Android View Construction

If you use the example from:

you can not use the kawart jar, but need to use kawa.jar. It seems the view construction bits use classes that are not included in kawart.

* Proguard issues

My app apk was roughly around 1MB before I added kawa into it. I suspect at least half of that are third party libraries (AdMob, Facebook SDK and various other SDKs I use in my app). After adding kawa, but before running proguard, the apk grew to 2.6MB.

To make sure everything worked, I made two kawa classes that I called from my java code; one class just returns a string that gets displayed as an android notification (Toast). The other class was the activity example from the "Android view construction" documentation. I put the kawa activity into the manifest and activated it from the java code. Everything worked fine before running proguard, but not after.

As mentioned, I needed to use the kawa.jar (not kawart.jar). I also needed to make the following additions to my proguard configuration file (while it may not seem much, I had to crash the app quite a few times to come up with that short list):

-dontwarn gnu.**
-dontwarn kawa.**

-keep class gnu.expr.Language
-keep class gnu.mapping.**
-keep class gnu.lists.LList
-keep class kawa.lang.*

It seems proguard got rid of the listed classes and the intent would crash as soon as I tried starting it. After modifying the proguard build as shown above, everything worked. And best of all, after progguard it only added roughly 250MB to my release apk, so with a full kawa activity (pulling in most of the relevant kawa dependencies I suspect), my final apk size after running proguard became roughly 1.26MB. I'm pretty sure more kawa code will grow the apk a lot slower since most of the stuff is pulled in already. Time and more testing will show.

Anyway, just wanted to share the fact that kawa seems to work great with a "full" android app, which make the prospect of writing more android code a lot more fun than it would otherwise be.

When I get some time I'm considering doing more testing with a separate app example, including comparing a "pure" java app, with a "pure" kawa app, and a mixed app, with a full writeup. But first I want to get more experience with using it in my own app.

If anybody else will or is trying to go down the same path, hopefully these details will make your path a little less painful, and at least demonstrate that there is gold at the end of the rainbow.

With the great work Per has already done, and with more examples and demonstrations, I believe there is a good change kawa could become a popular language for making or extending android apps.


Marius Kjeldahl

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