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Re: [PATCH] Was: Re: SRFI-60

On Feb 21, 2014, at 12:53 PM, Per Bothner <> wrote:

> We should also update the Logical-Number-Operations section.
> I'm inclined to replace the subsection name
> "Deprecated Logical Number Operations"
> by something like "SRFI-60 Logical Number Operations", and
> adding something about having to use import or require.
> (Not quite true right now, but it might be a plausible thing to do.)
> And of course fix the logbit? description, and add any missing
> functions.
> It's possible some of these "deprecated" functions aren't SRFI-60;
> then we'll have to consider what to do.

See attached.

As it turns out, there's one "deprecated" function which is not a
SRFI-60 name: bit-extract.  The SRFI-60 equivalent is called
bit-field.  (Both are equivalent to R6RS bitwise-bit-field.)

Of the non-deprecated Kawa functions, all but logop and logtest are
mandated by R6RS (logtest is in SRFI-60 but has no equivalent in R6RS).
Of the R6RS functions, five of them also appear in SRFI-60 with the
same name: bitwise-not, bitwise-and, bitwise-ior, bitwise-xor, and
bitwise-if.  They all also have alternate names in SRFI-60 (lognot,
logand, logior, logxor, bitwise-merge).

I put in a SRFI-60 section as you suggested.  For now, I marked the
functions which are (old) builtins as such, with language saying that
the rest are available via (require 'srfi-60) or (import (srfi :60)).

I left the "deprecated" subsection there, but it only contains
bit-extract now.  It probably makes sense to just get rid of that
function, but that feels like it should be a separate commit.

BTW here's an org-mode table I made while figuring all this stuff out.

| Function                                   | R6RS | Kawa | SRFI-60 |
| bitwise-not n                              | Y    | Y    | Y       |
| lognot n                                   |      | Dep  | Y       |
| bitwise-and n1 ...                         | Y    | Y    | Y       |
| logand n1 ...                              |      | Dep  | Y       |
| bitwise-ior n1 ...                         | Y    | Y    | Y       |
| logior n1 ...                              |      | Dep  | Y       |
| bitwise-xor n1 ...                         | Y    | Y    | Y       |
| logxor n1 ...                              |      | Dep  | Y       |
| bitwise-if mask n0 n1                      | Y    | Y    | Y       |
| bitwise-merge mask n0 n1                   |      |      | Y       |
| bitwise-bit-count n                        | Y    | Y    |         |
| logcount n                                 |      | Dep  | Y       |
| bit-count n                                |      |      | Y       |
| bitwise-length n                           | Y    | Y    |         |
| integer-length n                           |      | Dep  | Y       |
| bitwise-first-bit-set n                    | Y    | Y    |         |
| log2-binary-factors n                      |      |      | Y       |
| first-set-bit n                            |      |      | Y       |
| bitwise-bit-set? n index                   | Y    | Y    |         |
| logbit? index n                            |      | Dep* | Y       |
| bit-set? index n                           |      |      | Y       |
| bitwise-copy-bit from index bit (int)      | Y    | Y    |         |
| copy-bit index from bit (boolean)          |      |      | Y       |
| bitwise-bit-field n start end              | Y    | Y    |         |
| bit-field n start end                      |      |      | Y       |
| bit-extract n start end                    |      | Dep  |         |
| bitwise-copy-bit-field to start end from   | Y    | Y    |         |
| copy-bit-field to from start end           |      |      | Y       |
| bitwise-arithmetic-shift n count           | Y    | Y    |         |
| arithmetic-shift n count                   |      | Dep  | Y       |
| ash n count                                |      | Dep  | Y       |
| bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left n count      | Y    | Y    |         |
| bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right n count     | Y    | Y    |         |
| bitwise-rotate-bit-field n start end count | Y    | Y    |         |
| rotate-bit-field n count start end         |      |      | Y       |
| bitwise-reverse-bit-field n start end      | Y    | Y    |         |
| reverse-bit-field n start end              |      |      | Y       |
| logtest j k                                |      | Y    | Y       |
| any-bits-set? j k                          |      |      | Y       |
| integer->list k [len]                      |      |      | Y       |
| list->integer list                         |      |      | Y       |
| booleans->integer bool1 ...                |      |      | Y       |
| logop op x y                               |      | Y    |         |

Jamison Hope
The PTR Group

Attachment: detailed_srfi60_documentation.patch
Description: Binary data

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