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Re: @Override notations for member functions (e.g. onCreate on Android)

On 02/23/2014 05:18 AM, Marius Kjeldahl wrote:
I can't seem to get them working, like in the following example:

(define-simple-class MainActivity (
   ((onCreate (savedInstanceState :: android.os.Bundle)) (@Override)
    (invoke-special (this) 'onCreate savedInstanceState)

Are @Override notation supported at all, and if so, how can I use them
on member functions like onCreate?

You need to either write: (@java.lang.Override) or add a:
(define-alias Override java.lang.Override)

Kawa does not automatically "import" java.lang.*.  This could
be changed of course.

Note that Kawa currently doesn't check @Override annotations,
and since it has @Retention(SOURCE) it is just ignored.

Making Kawa check @Override annotation seems a worthwhile change.
	--Per Bothner

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