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Re: Mixed java and kawa support on Android with gradle

On 02/28/2014 10:24 AM, Per Bothner wrote:
On 02/28/2014 09:38 AM, Marius Kjeldahl wrote:
Parts of the stacktrace (see first file in gist for complete details)

    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: no mapping specified for
   ...while processing lambda10
   ...while processing gnu/kawa/slib/ralists$frame1.class

   1 error; aborting

You need to show us the .class files.  Dex is the program that converts
from JVM-style class files to Dalvik files.  There is something in the
class file dex doesn't like.  Most likely a limitation/bug in dex, but
it is also
possible Kawa is generating invalid .class files that doesn't been
caught in
normal usage.

Googling yields:
    "Argh, that old stupid thing. Dex doesn't like two arguments with
the same name."

If that's the problem, it can probably be fixed easily, but I need to see
the class files first.

I checked in a fix.
	--Per Bothner

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