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Re: Kawa payload size in trivial android apps

On 03/02/2014 07:33 AM, Jamison Hope wrote:
On Feb 28, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Per Bothner <> wrote:

Ideally, the best way for two mixed-language source would be to build on
javac. I.e. you write an extension to javac to "calls back" into the Kawa compiler.
You'd write wrapper classes that match what javac expects, but that wrap
the similar kawac classes.  This would be a non-trivial job, and requires
building familiar with but javac internals and Kawa. When I worked on
JavaFX Script I used to know my way around javac, but I'm a bit rusty now.

Does stock javac have hooks for this kind of thing already, in which case
the only thing to do is write the Kawa-specific piece that fits the API,
or would this be a new feature for javac that we would need to get pushed
into the JDK sources?

In principle the former: Javac is very "pluggable". For JavaFX Script we extended various javac classes. However, we may run into cases that are not well tested. I vaguely remember for JavaFX Script we did have to change various methods or fields
from private to protected, and things like that.

If nothing else, it seems a useful "research" project.

I'll bring it up on the jvmlangs list.

	--Per Bothner

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