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Re: Questions regarding modules

On 03/04/2014 10:18 AM, Marius Kjeldahl wrote:
I know svn doesn't have push, which is why I quoted it. Consider it a
clue on what I'll be "pushing" for when/if I start comitting patches.

I got the r7841 update, but ufortunately I can still not get it
working (I've tried various combinations with the < > signs and
without, still no luck).

Can you show me some simplified sample code? It would be easier for me
to try it if you make it non-Android-specific.  For example I experimented

(module-name p.KawaActivity)
(require <p.HelloKawa>)
(define-simple-class KawaActivity ()
  ((onCreate) (HelloKawa:hello)))


(module-name p.HelloKawa)
(define-simple-class HelloKawa ()
  ((hello) allocation: 'static
   "Hello from HelloKawa!"))
;;(define (hello)
;;  "Hello from Kawa!")
	--Per Bothner

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