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Re: distro branches on sourceware

On Wednesday 01 May 2013 17:08:39 Roland McGrath wrote:
> > i've been debating doing this for a while ... half wrote an e-mail
> > proposing a new Gentoo namespace a few times.
> Anyone (like you) who already has commit access and is authoritativish
> for a downstream packager is more than welcome to establish a branch
> namespace without anyone else's say-so.  Just stick to some common sense
> and collaboration-friendly rules and then just do it: pick a name that
> is all lowercase, includes minimal or no punctuation (i.e. some internal
> dashes if they make sense, and no other nonalphabetics, ASCII only), and
> is well-recognized for your system (fedora, gentoo, archlinux, debian,
> suse or opensuse, etc.); choose the rules for the namespace's use and
> document them on the wiki; follow common conventions unless there's a
> reason not to (e.g. yourprefix/master, yourprefix/2.34/master, etc.);
> post about what you're doing.

i was referring to the policy laid out here:

but i'll take this e-mail as automatic approval for a gentoo/ akin to the 
existing fedora/ and do some imports soonish

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