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Re: [PATCH] Async signal safe TLS accesses

On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 10:08:23PM +0000, Joseph S. Myers wrote:
> I do think there is consensus for allowing TLS access in signal handlers.  
> I'd like there to be consensus for TLS accesses never failing (i.e. all 
> dynamic allocation being done at thread creation time or dlopen time, when 
> it's possible to return an error status, and initial accesses doing no 
> more than associating a variable with memory from a pool where a 
> sufficient amount of memory is guaranteed to have been allocated at one of 
> those times), but while I don't think anyone has objected to that, I'm not 
> sure enough people have actually thought about it.

I'm quite happy to hear this. Part of my aim in implementing that for
musl was a hope that glibc would pick up the idea and do the same. :)


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